2024 OC / Irvine Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day, November 28th Sign up today!
2024 OC / Irvine Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day, November 28thSign up today! 

Race Info





Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024

Location:  Irvine Valley College

5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618


1 Mile Turkey Dash Starts:  7:30am

5k Race Starts: 8am

Kids Gobble Wobble:  9:15am


Packet Pick up:  Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Time:  12pm-4pm

Location:  Road Runner Sports Laguna Hills

24291 Avenida De La Carlotta, Laguna Hills CA 92653

All participants who attend Packet Pick up will receive special discounts at Road Runner Sports!

Gear up for race day and beyond during packet pickup hours and receive a free gift with purchase (no minimum required) for new and current Road Runner Sports VIP Family members.  


Costume Awards!  Come dress to impress with your best Fall  and Thanksgiving attire. Trophies and goodie bags for top 3 winners!




Online registration closes:   Wednesday, November 27th at 10am.

Late registration:

12 pm to 4 pm at Packet Pick up on Wed. November 27th  at Road Runner Laguna Hills or

Race Day morning at IVC from 6:30 am to 9 am.


Packet pick up and late registration on race day opens at  6:30 am.


Parking Permits:  $5 per car availeble for purchase online.  You can pay and pick up on Wed at Packet Pick up or on WALK UP on race day.  We are not pemitted to do curbside distribution as we've done in the past.  Any passes no tpicked up on Wed must be done IN expo area at registration.  You'll have to park first and return to your car to put pass visible on the dash so plan accordingly.  All lots are close enough to get back to from expo w/ a 10 minutes.  Allow time yourself time.  It makes a nice pre race warm up! 


IMPORTANT Parking Info:  Both entrances off Jeffrey open race day.  The main entrance off Irvine Center Drive which will be open until 7:30am sharp. It will then close for race.  Please proceed to Jeffrey and follow parking signs on race day.  Laser entrance off Barranca will lbe open only to cars parking in lot 6 that do not need to leave until 9am.


Race Start:  

There is ONE start time at 8am for ALL 5k runners and walkers.  For the safetly of all participants we ask that the fastest runners line up in front and slower runners and  walkers line up behind then. We will have corral signs to help get everyone started in the right area so the flow of runners makes it enjoyable for all. Those with strollers we ask to line up towards the back.   You may line up in any corral that matches your pace. This process creates a safer flow of traffic and a better experience for all runners.  Your timing chip will activate when you "cross" the startline so don't worry about starting later.  Your timing will be accurate.  Please be sure to run "through the blow up arch" and not around it to ensusre proper chip activation.


Chip Timing:  Timing will be proviced by premier Itz About time:  Results will be posted after the race on site at 10am in the race area.  Online results wlll be posted no later then 3pm same day.  Timing STARTS when you cross the start line and you MUST cross under the arch and over the timing mats so if you're further back in the pack do not have to worry about losing any time. Do not go around the arch or your time may not register properly.


Awards:  Top three men and women in the 5k race will receive awards starting at 8:45am.  If you aren't present to pick up your award, you can have someone you know collect it for you.  You can also arrange to pay for shipping and we'll send it to you within the US.

Age division awards 3 deep for 5k will be givne in each age division category as follows:

1-10, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44,45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 and over.


Awards for top 3 men and women for the 1 mile race begin at 10am.  Age division awards will not be given for the 1 mile due to new limits of participants this year.  


Kids races: We have many divisions to match the age and distance of all kids!  If the distance is too long or short for the age division your child is in, then they can run in a different age group. This is a fun run and no timing is involved other then having a FUN time!  We have some older kids run shorter distances and some younger toddlers choose longer distances.   We ask that only 1 parent if necessary join their participant in the race. The parent will not get a bib, shirt, medal or pie unless they register. 


Course Officials:  Course Officials on bikes will monitor the route to ensure social distancing is being practiced.  Flag them down for assistance.  Our goal is to give you a safe and fantastic race experiece!   


Water Station:  A water station will be available at the half way point on the 5k course and the finish line.   You may bring and carry your own water for a safer experience.  The course is an out and back loop.  It starts and ends in the same location. 


Runner Etiquette:  Please follow the course and remember to stay on the "right" side of the road, to accomodate the two way traffic of runners. If you need to stop suddenly then it's nice to let the others behind you know by raising your right arm straight up in the air.  It's also safer for you to make your way to the right edge of the course or outside lane so others have a chance to go around you rather then run into you.  It will be easier to start back on the course safely again too when you're ready.


Packet Pick up:  We encourage everyone to attend Packet Pick up the day before the race to get race bibs, shirts and parking passes.  We allow others to pick up on your behalf with your confirmatiom code.  If you can't make it Wed, then please show up early on race day to avoid lines.






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